June 16, 2011

Www.WeisMarketsSettlement.com: Claim Form of Weis Markets FACTA Class Action Lawsuit Settlement

At the Weis Markets FACTA Class Action Lawsuit Settlement site at www.weismarketssettlement.com, you can find out about this settlement. You can get some money from the settlement if you bought items from a number of places. They include Weis Markets, Mr. Z’s Supermarket, King’s Supermarket, Scot’s Lo Cost and SuperPetz pet store. You should have purchased the items from December 4, 2006 to June 7, 2007. You are only eligible if you used a credit card or debit card to make your purchases. If you want to get any money from the Weis Markets FACTA Class Action Lawsuit Settlement at www.weismarketssettlement.com, you must submit a valid claim form before August 4, 2011. You can submit your claim form online. You can also submit the claim form via regular mail. The Fairness Hearing will be on July 25, 2011. You can object to the settlement. You can also opt out of the settlement.If you have any questions, you should contact the settlement administrator. You should not contact the court. click here for official website

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