The amount of the IPEX Kitec Plumbing Class Action Lawsuit Settlement is $125 million. If you own a home in the United States or Canada, you may be eligible to get some cash from the settlement which you can find out more about at IPEX produced defective Kitec plumbing systems which were installed in all these homes. The plumbing system would prematurely fail. This would cause leaks or cause damage. You can also take part if you leased a home that had the problem.
If you have Kitec plumbing system in the home that you own or leased and would like to take part in the IPEX Kitec Plumbing Class Action Lawsuit Settlement, you must submit your valid claim form which you can get at If you wish to opt out, you must submit your form by September 30, 2011. If you wish to object to the settlement, you must submit your written request by September 30, 2011. You do not have to worry about getting your own lawyers. The court has provided some lawyers to help you out. You can contact them if you have any worries or concerns. You do not have to pay these lawyers. They will be paid out of the settlement amount.