June 12, 2011

Www.BankUnionAibea.in: All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) – Member Login Or Guest Login

At the All India Bank Employees Association or AIBEA website at www.bankunionaibea.in you can login to your account. All you need to do is click on Member Login.  You will then have to enter your username and your password. There is also a Guest Login that is for everyone. For guest login, you are provided with a username and login.
When you login as a guest at the All India Bank Employees Association or AIBEA website at www.bankunionaibea.in, you will get some information such as settleemnt on wage revisions and settlement on pension options. You can also find out about the arrears calculation for clerks, sub-staff and part time employees. If you are a retiree, you can also find out about your pension. There are also D.A. Circulars. For most of these, you will have to either save or open the files. it is better to save the files on your computer.

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