June 16, 2011
Settlements.Dahl-inc.com/Yaakoby –Claim Form of EagleRider FACTA Class Action Lawsuit Settlement
At the EagleRider FACTA Class Action Lawsuit Settlement or the Yaakoby Settlement website at settlements.dahl-inc.com/yaakoby, you can get more information on this settlement. If you rented an EagleRider motorcycle from December 4, 2006 to September 17, 2009 or anytime in between and you used a credit or debit card, then you are eligible to take part in the settlement. EagleRider printed receipts that showed information about your credit or debit card. More than five digits of your credit card or debit card number was displayed on the receipt. This is a violation of the FACTA.
You can get the important dates for the EagleRider FACTA Class Action Settlement at settlements.dahl-inc.com/yaakoby. You have to submit a claim form if you wish to take part in the settlement. The deadline for submission is December 19, 2011. If you wish to be excluded from the settlement, you will need to submit your request by August 22, 2011. If you wish to object, then the deadline is also August 22, 2011. The Fairness Hearing is on September 1, 2011 at 10 a.m.
click here for official website