This is not a get rich scheme it is a simple and easy way to earn money from writing articles about things you have solid knowledge. You do not have to be an expert in english although what you write needs to be legible and easy to read.
Anyone can earn money in their own home in their spare time from writing articles on any subject at all. Although you will need to read the particular sites do's and dont's before writing anything.
As I stated you can earn money from your own home, but it will not happen overnight. First you need to become known and read by other similar authors doing the same thing. You will also need to read articles about writing articles with good keywords in them as that is how you will earn your money.
You would not write an article that no one would be interested in, you need good sought after topics full of information about that product, health condition or topic of your choice.
The more experienced you are and the more you learn the more you will earn. So why not give it a go. There is no time like the present as things are getting more expensive and your extra earnings will help to pay those bills.